Rebekka Moon by Michele Spence (1983)

4 out of 5 stars

Rebekka Moon is a real hidden gem. Admittedly, I bought a copy of this book because I fell in love with the cover. I'm pleased to report that the contents absolutely lived up to it!

The titular Rebekka is a teenage girl who is able to use a form of hypnosis to make people do what she wants them to. She has a plan for the people in her small town, The Branch, but things change when psychiatrist Laura moves into town and starts to realise that the cause of some strange goings-on is Rebekka.

The set-up of teenage girl with special powers might sound a little Carrie-ish but I would say the similarity is only in the basic premise and the stories are very different. I really enjoyed Spence's writing and the cast of characters in this small town. I feel like it did get a little slow in places but overall this was an excellent read.

Rebekka is such a fascinating character and makes a great villain! The scenes when she is exercising her powers on people were some of my favourite parts of the book - they are very unsettling and squirm-inducing. I loved them!

It's really sad that Spence only had two novels published (that I'm aware of) as she is clearly a talented writer. Check out my video review below because one of my friends there found out some interesting information about the author so you can read that in the comments if you're interested.


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